
Scuba Diving Classes
- LEARN TO SCUBA DIVE – BEGINNING SCUBA CLASS “PADI Open Water Course”The PADI Open Water Diving Course is the beginning of your underwater adventure! Imagine watchingcountless fish on a tropical reef as you glide weightlessly below the surface and continue to breathe!In the Open Water Scuba Diver Course, our instructors will take you through all the basics of learning how todive. You start in the classroom at Lone Star Scuba where you will be introduced to the equipment andpractical knowledge needed to safely enjoy your new hobby. You will then proceed to an salt water swimmingpool, where you will learn and practice the basic skills of SCUBA diving. Your beginning scuba class concludeswith four open water dives where you can first experience the excitement of being in a whole new world. Afterthe class is complete you will receive your PADI Open Water Diver certification card that will allow you to diveall over the world.For those of you with hectic schedules, there is now another option to complete your academic portion onlinewith PADI eLearning. Now you can start your Open Water Diver Course anytime in the comfort of your ownhome, at work or anywhere you have internet access. To start your PADI Open Water Diver Course simplyclick on the banner below or click-here. Once you start your academics online, simply contact us to scheduleyour pool and lake sessions or ocean and begin your underwater adventure today!To join any one of our ongoing SCUBA classes all you have to do is choose the class that best fits yourschedule from the list of Open Water classes below. Then stop by the shop to pick up your materials and youare ready to begin.The course schedule consists classroom and pool sessions call to schedule your course. The lake weekend isthe following weekend and is usually a full day on Saturday and a half day on Sunday. We also offer Openwater in Cozumel and Mahahual, Mexico call for pricing and dates.The course price is $375 which includes the required textbook, rental equipment during the course, instructorand certification processing. -Each student must provide their own mask, snorkel, fins and boots. Privetlessons start at $450hps:// Advanced Open Water DiveThiscoursecanbetakenaftercompletingthePADIOpenWaterDivercertification.It’stitledPADIAdvancedOpenWater Diver because it advances your diving knowledge & skills. After taking this class you will have the experience todive deeper, navigate better and choose your dive experiences based on your new knowledge and certification.ThePADIAdvancedOpenWaterClassisbuiltaroundyourdesiretobecomeabettertrainedandmoreexperienceddiver.TheAOWClassconsistsoffiveopenwaterdivesthataremostlyofyourchoosing.Twoofthedivesarerequired,DeepdiveandNavigationdive.InthesetwodivesyouwillcompletetheAdventuredivesforthosespecialtiestogainexperienceandlearnmoreaboutdeepdivingandbetternavigation.TheotherthreedivescanbechosenfromawidelistofAdventureDivesthatisfoundintheAdventuresinDivingbook.AreyouinterestedinUnderwater Digital Photography, Wreck Diving or Search and Recovery? Well then you can choose those three otherdives to round out your experience and earn the Advanced Open Water Certification.
- ThiscertificationisalsoaprerequisiteforPADIRescueDiver.AdditionallymanydivesitesareonlyavailabletoAOWdivers.ThePADIAdvancedOpenWaterDivingCourseisheldoverthecourseofoneopenwaterweekend.TheAdvancedOpenWatercourse(non-eLearning)is$215plustherequiredtextbookwhichis$45.Discountedrentalgearisavailableforstudentsenrolledinthecourse.TosignupsimplycontactusandgetstartedonbecominganAdvancedOpen Water Scuba Diver! Ask us about doing your Advanced Open Water on a trip!IfyouwouldliketobeginyourPADIAdvancedOpenWatercertificationnow,followthelinkbelowtobeginthecourseonline:Get StartedContact: inquiries@aquasportsadventure.comEMERGENCY FIRST RESPONSE (EFR)This course teaches you the steps and techniques for handling life-threatening emergencies. You’ll practiceeight skills for aiding patients who aren’t breathing, have no heartbeat, may have a spinal injury, may be inshock or who may have serious bleeding. You’ll learn to how to perform CPR and continue to monitor thepatient, so that you provide every possible chance of survival while waiting for emergency medical services toarrive.Because many medical conditions are not life-threatening and emergency medical services are sometimesdelayed or unavailable, this course teaches you how to provide first aid that eases pain and reduces the risk offurther harm. You’ll learn to assess a variety of injuries and illnesses and practice bandaging and splinting.The Emergency First Response Course is $105 plus the required textbook.Get StartedContact: inquiries@aquasportsadventure.comPADI RESCUE DIVERWhen you talk to most rescue divers, they will tell you that this course was the most enjoyable and challengingcourse they have taken. In the PADI Rescue Diver Course you learn the skills of self-rescue, diver rescue,emergency situation management, as well as accident prevention. It’s really not just enough to be able to solveproblems, but we want you to know how to prevent problems from happening. The knowledge and skills youtake away from this course will make you a strong asset in any dive situation, as well as giving you theconfidence to help others, if ever needed.The class is actually two parts and two different classes combined. The reason for this is because the PADIRescue Diver Class has as one of its perquisites training as an Emergency First Responder. The EFR classtrains future Rescue Divers in CPR, AED and first aid skills. These are vital skills that can be used anywhere,not just scuba diving. The rescue diver course itself is divided into three subparts; Knowledge Development,
- Skill Development and finally, Scenario Practice. The Scenario Practice puts all the training together andallows you to use your knowledge and skills in real life situations.The Rescue Diver Class is usually held over a long weekend. EFR before the Rescue Class begins and thenFriday night classroom and lake sessions on Saturday and Sunday. The cost of the Rescue Diver Course(non-eLearning) is $250 plus the required crew pack which is $75. Discounted rental gear is available forstudents enrolled in the course.If you would like to begin your PADI Rescue Diver certification now, follow the link below to begin the courseonline:Get StartedContact: inquiries@aquasportsadventure.com SPECIALTIESFor those of you who have always wanted to gain more experience in specific areas of diving, the PADISpecialty Courses are just for you. Each Specialty requires only a few dives and can usually be completedover the course of one weekend. To sign up for a PADI Specialty course simply give us a call or email. Belowis the list of PADI Specialty Courses that we are able to offer. Deep Water Diver Drift Diver Underwater Photographer Night Diver Underwater Videographer Wreck Diver AWARE Coral Reef Conservation Diver Project Aware Diver Peak Performance Buoyancy diverProfessional DiveMasterBe a leader who mentors and motivates others. Gain dive knowledge, supervision abilities, and become a rolemodel to divers around the world. Love scuba diving? Want to share it with others on a whole new level? Takethe PADI Divemaster course and do what you love to do as a career. Scuba divers look up to divemastersbecause they are leaders who mentor and motivate others. As a divemaster, you not only get to dive a lot, butalso experience the joy of seeing others have as much fun diving as you do.The PADI Divemaster course is your first level of professional training. Working closely with a PADI Instructor,you’ll fine-tune your dive skills, like perfecting the effortless hover, and refine your rescue skills so youanticipate and easily solve common problems. You’ll gain dive knowledge, management and supervisionabilities so you become a role model to divers everywhere.Divemaster training develops your leadership abilities, qualifying you to supervise dive activities and assistinstructors with student divers. PADI Divemaster is the prerequisite certification for both the PADI AssistantInstructor and PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor certifications.
- During the PADI Divemaster program, you learn dive leadership skills through both classroom andindependent study. You complete water skills and stamina exercises, as well as training exercises that focusyour ability to organize and solve problems. You put this knowledge into action through a structured internshipor series of practical training exercises.As a PADI Divemaster, you’ll use your skills to lead, mentor and motivate other divers and experience the joyof seeing them transformed by the aquatic realm.After becoming certified as a PADI Divemaster you will be authorized to:Supervise both training and non-training-related activities by planning, organizing and directing divesAssist PADI Instructors during the training sessions for any PADI Diver coursethe PADI Skin Diver course and PADI Discover Snorkeling programConduct the PADI Discover Local Diving experience and PADI Scuba Review programIf qualified as a Discover Scuba Diving Leader, independently conduct the PADI Discover Scuba Divingprogram.Earn the PADI Digital Underwater Photographer Specialty Instructor rating to be able to teach the PADI DigitalUnderwater Photographer specialty.Accompany student divers during Adventure Dives or Specialty training dives under the indirect supervision ofa PADI Instructor.Conduct the PADI Seal Team Skin Diver Specialist AquaMissionConduct subsequent dives under an instructor’s indirect supervision for Discover Scuba DivingPrerequisites to take this course, you must be:• 18 years old A PADI Advanced Open Water Diver (or qualifying certification from another trainingorganization)• A PADI Rescue Diver (or qualifying certification from another training organization)• An Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care (or qualifying first aid and CPR trainingfrom another organization) course completion within the past 24 months.• Have at least 40 dives to begin the course and 60 for certification• Be fit for diving and submit a Medical Statement (PDF) signed by a physician within the last 12 months. StartedContact: inquiries@aquasportsadventure.comPADI OPEN WATER SCUBA INSTRUCTOR COURSEAre you a PADI Assistant Instructor ready to take the next step? Do you love teaching? Dive instruction is funand satisfying. As a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor you can transforms people’s lives by helping them livetheir dreams. It’s about life transformations—both yours and those around you.The Open Water Scuba Instructor (OWSI) program is one of two distinct components of PADI’s InstructorDevelopment Course (IDC)—the core of PADI Instructor training. The first portion is the Assistant Instructorcourse followed by the Open Water Scuba Instructor program.The OWSI program introduces you to the entire PADI System of diver education and concentrates on furtherdeveloping your abilities as a professional dive educator.Here’s What You LearnDuring the IDC you will be learn in a low stress environment. We emphasize learning how to teach in the realworld, not just passing the Instructor Exam. As a PADI Instructor candidate you’ll also learn about businessprinciples, teaching children, risk management, and other important topics relevant for the dive professional.You will learn to teach all the core PADI Courses (PADI Scuba Diver, PADI Open Water Diver, AdventureDiver, Advanced Open Water Diver, Rescue Diver and PADI Divemaster). Additionally you will learn how toand be qualified to teach some PADI Specialties (Peak Performance Buoyancy, Aware Coral Reef
- Conservation and Project Aware) and other PADI Programs such as Discover Scuba Diving (DSD).PrerequisitesYou must:• Be a PADI Divemaster or qualifying certification from another certification organization• Be at least 18 years old• Have 60 logged dives, including night, deep, and navigation dives• Have been a certified diver for at least 6 months• Have CPR and First Aid Training within the last 24 months• Be fit for diving and submit a Medical Statement (PDF) signed by a physician within the last 12 months• Want a fun and exciting career!NOTE: To pass the IE and become an Open Water Scuba Instructor you must have logged 100 dives.Get StartedContact